Monday, February 18, 2008

Bread Therapy

One of the best things about school is the opportunity to learn many facets of the pastry realm, and possibly the most therapeutic is baking bread.

We made the breads below with dry (instant) active yeast as the leaving agent (as opposed to a barm with levain breads). We baked brioche (basically the creaming method) with a sponge added to it, challah, stolen, and wheat bread. We also baked baguettes. I have since baked Challah and got it right on my first try. I definitely owe it to my heritage-figures that the 2 Jewish girls in class made the prettiest Challahs :)


Brioche a Tete

My Bread Creations


Unknown said...

finally! you're back! and everything looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Len Sone said...

These pictures look amazing! It must be nice to know how to make your own bread- I love bread! =)